
Literature on the topic
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How does volcanism affect the climate?
Volcanic eruptions release CO2, which is known to warm the earth, but in general the effect on the climate is cooling. Additionally, even a simultaneous eruption of all the world's volcanoes would produce 100 times less carbon than human activity
Are volcanic eruptions good for the climate?
Large volcanic eruptions produce large quantities of particles called ash or tephra. However, these particles fall out of the atmosphere quickly, within days or weeks, and therefore do not affect the global climate. - From this I highlight the following sentence: This depends primarily on the source and nature of the small particles. On the one hand, they can reflect sun rays and have a cooling effect - or, on the contrary, like black soot particles, they can absorb radiation and heat the air.
Here I would like to highlight the following statements: Whether a volcanic eruption has a global impact on the climate depends on various factors. The amount of ash and sulfur dioxide can be very different, as can the height of the exhaust column and the latitude: Due to the limited stratospheric exchange between the northern and southern hemispheres, only the emissions from volcanic eruptions near the equator are distributed in both hemispheres.
I would like to highlight the following sentences: Sulfate aerosols have a direct influence on the radiation balance. These are tiny solid particles that are formed within about a month through chemical reactions from the sulfur gases released by the eruptive process. Sulfate aerosols have the ability to effectively reflect sunlight back into space. As a result, less sunlight reaches the ground and it cools down more there. The soot, which is also emitted during a volcanic eruption and is a powdery solid consisting primarily of carbon, absorbs sunlight in the stratosphere and releases the absorbed energy in the form of "heat". The temperature in the immediate vicinity of the soot increases in the area of the lower stratosphere, while further cooling occurs below, including near the ground, due to weakened solar radiation. In addition, the spatially very different distribution of the radiation-active aerosols as a result of the volcanic eruption can lead to differential heating and cooling of the atmosphere. The resulting differences in the density of the air lead to air movements that initially influence the large-scale air circulation only in the stratosphere, but with a certain delay also in the troposphere.
It is obvious that certain conditions must be met for a volcanic eruption to actually lead to climate change on a global and regional level. It is therefore not surprising that only a few volcanoes are responsible for producing an eruption that has an impact on the climate.
From this I highlight the following: It turned out that the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai released comparatively little sulfur dioxide. This gas forms aerosols in the atmosphere that reflect sunlight and cool the Earth. To do this, the volcano ejected huge amounts of water to heights of up to 53 kilometers - even up to the transition to the next higher layer, the mesosphere.
What I would like to emphasize is that volcanic eruptions can be as spectacular as they are deadly – and can even influence our climate. For example, the 1991 Pinatubo eruption ejected 10 to 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide about 20 to 30 km into the atmosphere, cooling the climate by 0.5 °C for an entire year. Eruptions the size of Pinatubo only occur every few decades, but smaller eruptions occur every year.
And: Aubry encountered complex results. “Our modeling suggests that the cooling effect of smaller eruptions is smaller in warmer climates,” he reports. “In large eruptions like that of Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991, we found exactly the opposite. This type of eruption could have a more efficient cooling effect.” The smaller the eruption, the smaller the effect. The bigger the outbreak, the bigger the effect. Which form will ultimately dominate is still questionable, as smaller outbreaks also occur more often.
Here is a specialist article with more precise figures on how high the emissions from active and inactive volcanoes are:
At one point it says: In fact, even if we include the rare, very large volcanic eruptions, like 1980's Mount St. Helens or 1991's Mount Pinatubo eruption, they only emitted 10 and 50 million tons of CO2 each, respectively. It would take three Mount St. Helens and one Mount Pinatubo eruption every day to equal the amount that humanity is currently emitting.
In German, this means: Even if we include the rare, very large volcanic eruptions such as the Mount St. Helens eruption in the 1980s or the Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991, they only emitted 10 and 50 million tons of CO2 each. It would take three eruptions of Mount St. Helens and one eruption of Mount Pinatubo every day to reach the levels humanity is currently emitting.
Another article deals with whether CO2 really contributes to global warming:
The claim here is that it has not been clearly scientifically proven that global warming is actually caused by higher CO2 levels - if this were not the case, the volcanoes would not have an impact on global warming through greenhouse gas emissions, and only the effect of cooling would remain by ash particles left over from the volcanoes. However, if the ash particles are black, then according to the article above, it may be that they contribute to the warming, if I have understood that correctly.
On the homepage and in the blog I also mentioned a website where scientists have claimed that the probability of a supervolcano eruption has increased - here one would have to make a clear distinction in the discussion as to whether volcanoes or supervolcanoes will erupt in the future.
A scientist from India sent me the following answer via
Yes, the gases and dust particles thrown into the atmosphere during large volcanic eruptions can influence climate. Particles spewed from volcanoes, like dust and ash, can cause temporary cooling by shading incoming solar radiation if the particles were launched high enough into the atmosphere but volcanic gases like sulfur dioxide can cause global cooling, while volcanic carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, has the potential to promote global warming. After cooling volcanic cloud lowered global temperatures by increased by 2- 3 degrees Celsius.
The scientist distinguishes, on the one hand, the height at which the gases and particles are thrown as being crucially important, and on the other hand, the type of greenhouse gas emitted - this is also a clear difference in the impact - in his opinion, global cooling is quite possible and clearly depends depends on the respective volcanic eruption.
As above, it is also claimed and proven with graphics and figures that global warming is not caused by human-caused CO2 emissions.
From this I highlight the following section: The study further shows the importance of the level of sulfur input into the stratosphere for climate impacts. “If the sulfur gases only reach the lowest layers of the extratropical stratosphere, the aerosols are very short-lived. However, if they reach heights like those of large tropical eruptions, the lifespan of the aerosols is approximately the same as that of tropical eruptions,” says co-author Prof. Dr. Kirstin Krüger from the University of Oslo.
The results will help to better understand the impact of volcanic eruptions on past climate variability. They also suggest that future climate will be influenced by explosive extratropical eruptions.
As I understand it, this means that it is still unclear, but there is definitely a possibility that the climate will cool down again in the future due to volcanic eruptions or certain volcanic eruptions.
The scientist who kindly sent me the above article commented as follows:
"The influence of volcanoes on the climate is usually relatively manageable and rather short-term. It depends on the strength of the eruption (logically), on the type of gases emitted and on their location."
For me it follows that the increasing frequency of volcanic eruptions, as well as supervolcanoes, could still have a clearly noticeable influence.
Now articles that I found on the topic through initial research on are available here as downloadable PDF files.
These are the first interesting articles on the first 20 pages of the literature search that I processed. I first mentioned the title and authors and then a short summary of what seemed most important to me. Please correct me if I made any mistakes. You don't have to read everything, but you can find what you want to read more quickly and clearly. In any case, this research makes it clear that answering the question requires a lot of research and is not that easy to answer. There are some articles that seem interesting that have not yet been posted here from this research, as I first have to ask whether I receive the complete article.
Specialist article: (a rough overview of the specialist articles can be found on the evaluation subpage)
1. Dispersal and grain size characteristics of the May 14, 2018 Shinmoedake eruption deposit, Kirishima Volcano, Japan, based on post-eruption field survey and meteorological datasets
December 2023 (Nur Abstract):
The ash particles are analyzed in terms of size and distribution depending on the eroptin activity and the wind situation. The wind changed direction during the eruption and, depending on this, the ash particles were blown in a different direction and height. The westerly winds transported different particle sizes to different altitudes, like the northerly winds.
2. Evidence at source for the mid‑fifteenth century eruption of Kuwae, VanuatuChris Ballard, Stuart Bedford, Shane J. Cronin and Sonke Stern,
Ballard et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2023) 12:, :
An historical volcanic eruption from the middle of the 15th century is attempted to reconstruct the strength and type of impact of the eruption. At the end of the work it is determined that the volcanic eruption was a clear sulfate event and influenced the global climate.
3. A satellite chronology of plumes from the April 2021 eruption of La Soufrière, St Vincent, December 2023, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23(24):15209-15234 (nur Abstract):
Satellite data is analyzed for the amount, height and duration of SO2 retention during and after an eruption.
4. The January 2022 Hunga eruption cooled the
southern hemisphere in 2022, Ashok Gupta , Kristen Fauria, Ralf Bennartz, Jasper Kok:
Quote from the paper: "Our main conclusion is that the predicted dominance of sulfate aerosol cooling among the three stratospheric species is robust." By the three stratospheric species is meant the following: Three different gases emitted into the stratosphere: H2O, sulfate aerosol, O3 (ozone) - that probably means that sulfa aerosols in particular can cool down the climate.
5. Mesospheric Temperature and Circulation Response to the
Hunga Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption
Wandi Yu, Rolando Garcia, Jia Yue, Anne Smith, Xinyue Wang,
William Randel, Zishun Qiao, Yunqian Zhu, V. Lynn Harvey, Simone Tilmes, and Martin Mlynczak:
Quote from the abstract of this work: “This study illustrates the implications
large volcanic eruptions on the dynamics of the middle atmosphere and provides insight into their long-term effects in the mesosphere. On the other hand, we could not identify a clear mechanism for the observed changes in stratospheric circulation. In fact, an examination of the WACCM ensemble shows that not every member reproduces the major changes observed by SABER. We conclude that there is a stochastic component
stratospheric response to the HTHH burst”. Further elsewhere: “The causal relationship between the strengthening of the stratospheric westerlies and the mesospheric temperature
Anomalies is robust. In all strong cases of the WACCM volcanic ensemble, the temperature field was tripolar
Structure has an amplitude comparable to the observations, there is a strong strengthening and equatorward shift of the stratospheric westerly winds, and in all weak cases the stratospheric westerly winds only weakly strengthen - this probably means that the volcanic eruption influenced both the mesosphere and the stratosphere and also temperatures, but if I understood correctly, nothing could be explained and determined in more detail and requires further research.
6. Severe global cooling after volcanic super-eruptions? The answer hinges on unknown aerosol size, December 2023, Kevin DallaSanta, Lorenzo M Polvani, Susanne E. Bauer (nur Abstract ):
Quote from the abstract: “By simulating supereruptions across a range of aerosol sizes, we obtain global average responses ranging from extreme cooling to the previously unexplored scenario of large-scale warming.” So this means that, according to this analysis, both scenarios are replaced by one Supervolcano eruptions are possible - cooling and warming.
7. Characteristics and Evolution of the Response of the Lower Atmosphere to the Tonga Volcanic Eruption,
Fuyang Ke, Xiangxiang Hu, Guan Hong, Lulu Ming and Bao Song:
The emission of water vapor and its influence on precipitation and cyclones is examined here.
8. Atmospheric and Ionospheric Effects of La Palma Volcano
2021 Eruption,
Hanshuo Zhang, Kaiguang Zhu, Yuqi Cheng, Dedalo Marchetti, Wenqi Chen, Mengxuan Fan, Siyu Wang,Ting Wang, Donghua Zhang and Yiqun Zhang:
Shortened quote from the abstract: “In this article, we looked for possible impacts of this eruption on the world on the atmosphere and ionosphere, examining the climatological archive and magnetic satellite swarm data. In particular, we examined the concentrations of aerosols, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere." And at the end of the work: "Finally it is possible to confirm the enormous impact on the atmosphere caused by the 2021 La Palma volcanic eruption, and we offer some empirical ones Evidence of possible impacts
in the ionosphere, explainable by AGW or a more complex chain of phenomena.”
9. Arctic warming from a high latitude effusive volcanic eruption
Tómas Zoëga ,Trude Storelvmo, Kirstin Krüger, August 16th, 2023:
The Holuhraun eruption in Iceland released large amounts of sulfur
to the troposphere in the fall and winter of 2014-15. Previous studies have shown that the resulting volcanic aerosols led to reduced solar radiation and thus to cooling of the surface.
The study shows that sulfur emissions caused by the eruption
led to an extended lifespan of low and medium clouds, thereby reducing long-wave radiation and resulting in surface cooling. The study shows that the climate impacts of major volcanic eruptions at high latitudes need to be further investigated.
10. Assessing the impact of very large volcanic eruptions on the risk
of extreme climate events, Nicolas Freychet, Andrew P Schurer, Andrew P Ballinger, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez and Claudia Timmreck:
From the abstract: “Very large volcanic eruptions have significant impacts on the climate, causing global cooling and major changes in the water cycle. While most studies have focused on changes in significance on climate, here we use a large ensemble to assess impacts on extreme climate over three years following tropical and extratropical eruptions of varying sulfur emission strengths." This study assesses risks following very strong volcanic eruptions Depending on their location in the northern or southern hemisphere, they are discussed particularly for agriculture.
11. Assessing the impact of very large volcanic eruptions on the risk
of extreme climate events
Nicolas Freychet1, Andrew P Schurer, Andrew P Ballinger, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez
and Claudia Timmreck
Simulation and analysis of major volcanic eruptions on the climate
12. Atmospheric and ionospheric effects of La Palma volcano 2021 eruption.
Hanshuo Zhang , Kaiguang Zhu , Yuqi Cheng , Dedalo Marchetti *, Wenqi Chen , Mengxuan Fan ,
Siyu Wang , Ting Wang , Donghua Zhang , Yiqun Zhang
Posted Date: 4 July 2023
Analysis of the eruption, which is not that big but long-lasting
13. Background conditions influence the decadal climate response to strong
volcanic eruptions
Article in Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres · May 2013
Historical analysis of major volcanic eruptions and climate
14. Climate Projections Very Likely Underestimate Future
Volcanic Forcing and Its Climatic Effects
Man Mei Chim, Thomas J. Aubry, Nathan Luke Abraham, Lauren Marshall,
Jane Mulcahy, Jeremy Walton, and Anja Schmidt,
1usuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK,Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Penryn, UK, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Cambridge, UK, Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, Durham, UK, Met Office, Exeter, UK,
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Very detailed analysis and simulation of historical and future volcanic eruptions and their contribution and probability to the climate - well worth reading. The probability of large volcanic eruptions with a lot of SO2 emissions is rated significantly higher here in terms of their number and impact on the climate compared to the standard climate models - if I understand that correctly.
15. Temperature shifts in Central Antarctica after major volcanic eruptions in the
second millennium of the Common Era
Article in Arctic and Antarctic Research · October 2023
Analysis of historical volcanic eruptions with regard to cooling and duration of cooling (5 years)
16. Historical 1 (1960-2014) lightning and LNOx trends and their
controlling factors in a chemistry–climate model
Yanfeng He1, Kengo Sudo, Graduate School of Environment Studies, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8601, Japan Japan Agency for Marine–Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yokohama, 237-0061, Japan
Historical analysis of lightning (during eruptions) on climate
17. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., referee comment RC1, 2022
© Author(s) 2022. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Comment on acp-2022-187
Anonymous Referee #1
Criticism of a research paper with recommendation of revision, comparison of different climate simulation models and analysis of El Nino on volcanic eruptions
18. Impact of climate change on volcanic processes: current
understanding and future challenges
Thomas J. Aubry1,2 · Jamie I. Farquharson3 · Colin R. Rowell4 · Sebastian F. L. Watt5 · Virginie Pinel6 ·
Frances Beckett7 · John Fasullo8 · Peter O. Hopcroft5 · David M. Pyle9 · Anja Schmidt1,10,11,12 · John Staunton Sykes10
Received: 7 October 2021 / Accepted: 29 March 2022
© The Author(s) 2022
The understanding of volcanoes and their impact on the climate is becoming better understood. More research needs to be done on the life cycle of ash
19. Radiative and climate impacts of a large
volcanic eruption during stratospheric
sulfur geoengineering
A. Laakso, H. Kokkola, A.-I. Partanen, U. Niemeier, C. Timmreck4,
K. E. J. Lehtinen, H. Hakkarainen and H. Korhonen
Very interesting - Geoengineering projects using injection during a volcanic eruption is being analyzed. If I understood correctly, the cooling effect caused by a volcanic eruption no longer has such a strong effect if an injection was made shortly beforehand and must be stopped immediately in the event of an eruption.
20. External surface water influence on explosive eruption dynamics, with
implications for stratospheric sulfur delivery and volcano-climate feedback
Preprint · October 2021
I didn't really understand it - there's probably an unknown feedback mechanism between volcanoes and climate during injection.
21. Sensitivity of stratospheric ozone to the latitude, season, and halogen content of a contemporary explosive volcanic eruption
Freja F. Østerstrøm, J. Eric Klobas, Robert P. Kennedy, Anita Cadoux , David M. Wilmouth
Ozone losses caused by volcanic eruptions are also described with regard to the timing of the eruption (summer or winter).
22. Stratospheric aerosol size reduction after volcanic eruptions
Felix Wrana, Ulrike Niemeier, LarryW. Thomason, Sandra Wallis, and Christian von Savigny
Received: 26 April 2023 – Discussion started: 4 May 2023
Revised: 18 July 2023 – Accepted: 24 July 2023 – Published: 1 September 2023
The evolution of stratospheric aerosol size after volcanic eruptions is currently underway
one of the greatest uncertainties in stratospheric aerosol science. It is shown that, surprisingly, some volcanic eruptions can lead to a reduction in average aerosol size, such as the Ambae 2018 and La Soufrière 2021 eruptions.
23. The Climate Response to the Mt. Pinatubo Eruption Does Not Constrain Climate Sensitivity
Andrew G. Pauling, Cecilia M. Bitz, and Kyle C. Armour
The climate response to the Mt. Pinatubo volcanic eruption is analyzed in light of historical simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). In contrast to previous work, standard measures of global temperature response to volcanic forcing are found not to be significant.
24. The unidentified volcanic eruption of 1809: why it remains a climatic cold case
Claudia Timmreck, Matthew Toohey, Davide Zanchettin, Stefan Brönnimann, Elin Lundstad, and
Rob Wilson
The “1809 Eruption” is one of the most recent unknown volcanic eruptions to have a global impact on the climate. However, the eruption is considered to be the third largest since 1500 with an estimated eruption strength twice that of the 1991 Pinatubo eruption, not much is known about it from historical sources. Based on a compilation of instrumental and reconstructed temperature time series, it is shown here that tropical temperatures experience a significant decline in response to the 1809 eruption, similar 5 to the 1815 eruption of Mt Tambora.
25. Volcanic contribution to the 1990s North Pacific climate shift in winter
Chi‑Hua Wu, Shih‑Yu Lee , I‑Chun Tsai , Chein‑Jung Shiu & Yi‑Ying Chen
It is questionable whether external influences can change the state of the climate. By examining decadal changes with and without the inclusion of the stratospheric volcanic aerosols of the 1990s, the extent to which volcanic eruptions contribute to decadal shifts in the northern winter climate regime in the North Pacific was examined.
26. Climate response to the Toba super-eruption: Regional changes
Claudia Timmreck, Hans-F. Graf, Davide Zanchettin, Stefan Hagemann,
Thomas Kleinen, Kirstin Krüger
Analysis of a very large volcanic eruption 73,000 years ago with regard to changes in climate and vegetation.
27. Impacts of major volcanic eruptions over the past two millennia on
both global and Chinese climates: A review
Weiyi SUN, Deliang CHEN, Guonian LÜ, Liang NING, Chaochao GAO, Renhe ZHANG,
Bin WANG & Jian LIU
Analysis of large volcanic eruptions of the last approximately 2000 years in terms of influence on climate, simulation and model calculations and limitations of the models, influence on El Nino, a significant cooling effect of tropical large volcanic eruptions has been demonstrated for China and the entire world for years or even decades
28. The Role of the SO Radiative Effect in
Sustaining the Volcanic Winter and Soothing the Toba Impact on Climate
Sergey Osipov, Georgiy Stenchikov, Kostas Tsigaridis, Allegra N. LeGrande, Susanne E. Bauer
First published: 03 January 2020
Here, the focus in the analysis of SO emissions, especially in the initial phase of a supereruption, is on the change in radiation absorption and climate based on the Toba supereruption. It is found, among other things, that the SO absorbs UV light particularly strongly. Sulfate brines also determine this effect and cause a volcanic winter.
29. The Toba supervolcano eruption caused severe
tropical stratospheric ozone depletion
Sergey Osipov, Georgiy Stenchikov, Kostas Tsigaridis, Allegra N. LeGrande, Susanne E. Bauer,
Mohammed Fnais & Jos Lelieveld
Analysis of the historic Toba supervolcano eruption for serious negative impacts on the ozone layer for over a year.
30. Exceptional eruptive CO2 emissions from intra-plate alkaline magmatism in the
Canary volcanic archipelago
Mike Burton, Alessandro Aiuppa, Patrick Allard, María Asensio-Ramos, Ana Pardo Cofrades,
Alessandro La Spina, Emma J. Nicholson, Vittorio Zanon, José Barrancos, Marcello Bitetto,
Margaret Hartley, Jorge E. Romero, Emma Waters, Alex Stewart, Pedro A. Hernández,
João Pedro Lages, Eleazar Padrón, Kieran Wood, Benjamin Esse, Catherine Hayer,
Calculation and analysis of the amount of CO2 emissions from the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in 2021
31. Observation of the Aerosol Plume From the 2022 Hunga Tonga—Hunga Ha'apai Eruption With SAGE III/ISS
Clair Duchamp, Felix Wrana, Bernard Legras, Pasquale Sellitto, Redha Belhadji, and
Christian von Savigny
17 months after the volcanic eruption, the ISS carried out investigations on the aerosols. The amount of water vapor emitted and measured is expected to drive global warming.
32. Stratospheric aerosol size reductionafter volcanic eruptions
Felix Wrana, Ulrike Niemeier, LarryW. Thomason, Sandra Wallis, and Christian von Savigny
The size of the aerosol particles is crucial for the scattering of solar radiation. This particle size varies depending on the volcanic eruption
33. Out of the blue: Volcanic SO2emissions during the 2021–2022 eruptions of HungaTonga—Hunga Ha’apai (Tonga)
S. A. Carn, N. A. Krotkov, B. L. Fisher and C. Li
The volcanic eruption was one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recent times since 1883, but it emitted less SO2 than usual and more water vapor.
34. The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Hydration of the Stratosphere
L. Millán, M. L. Santee, A. Lambert, N. J. Livesey, F. Werner, M. J. Schwartz,
H. C. Pumphrey
The volcanic eruption emitted significantly more water vapor than usual and will therefore contribute more to global warming and cooling.
35. The 2019 Raikoke volcanic eruption – Part 1: Dispersion model
simulations and satellite retrievals of volcanic sulfur dioxide
Johannes de Leeuw, Anja Schmidt, Claire S. Witham3 Nicolas Theys, Isabelle A.
The spread of an SO2 cloud after a volcanic eruption is simulated and analyzed
36. The ERA5 global reanalysis
Hans Hersbach1 Bill Bell1 Paul Berrisford1 Shoji Hirahara2 András Horányi1 Joaquín
Muñoz-Sabater1 Julien Nicolas1 Carole Peubey1 Raluca Radu1 Dinand
Schepers1 Adrian Simmons1 Cornel Soci1 Saleh Abdalla1 Xavier
Abellan1 Gianpaolo Balsamo1 Peter Bechtold1 Gionata Biavati1 Jean
Bidlot1 Massimo Bonavita1 Giovanna De Chiara1 Per Dahlgren3 Dick Dee1 Michail
Diamantakis1 Rossana Dragani1 Johannes Flemming1 Richard Forbes1 Manuel
Fuentes1 Alan Geer1 Leo Haimberger4 Sean Healy1 Robin J. Hogan1 Elías
Hólm1 Marta Janisková1 Sarah Keeley1 Patrick Laloyaux1 Philippe Lopez1 Cristina
Lupu1 Gabor Radnoti1 Patricia de Rosnay1 Iryna Rozum1 Freja
Vamborg1 Sebastien Villaume1 Jean-Noël Thépaut1
An analysis of, among other things, the global atmosphere since 1950. The troposphere has improved with temperature, wind and humidity, while the stratosphere has deteriorated.
37. Potential Impact of Tonga Volcano Eruption on Global Mean Surface Air Temperature
Hua ZHANG, Fei WANG, Jian LI, Yihong DUAN, Congwen ZHU, and Jingyi HE
The 2022 Tonga volcanic eruption is examined for its potential to cool the global climate. Global temperature will fall by approximately 0.0315-0.1118 °C over the next 1-2 years. Although global cooling will occur in the short term, it will not change the global warming trend in the long term.