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(Long-term) unemployed integration

Proposals and organizational options and cost/benefit assessment for various methods of unemployment integration
Elegante Ledertaschen

1. Integration using subtasks jobs

In any industry where many people work, there are routine jobs that require only a fraction of the knowledge or skills learned. But capable, fully trained people are used for it. This is where you could start and create positions where only this routine work is carried out by people who have had only a short training, especially for this work. They therefore only need a relatively short period of further training and do not have to work full-time and would relieve work processes for the existing staff.

For example, in administrative work, someone could take over simple routine work from case processing or files, where they may then pre-sort, where specially trained people then have to work further, but the simpler things are already done by them and no fully trained worker has to deal with them anymore .

This can certainly be organized in many activities where many employees work. Such activities are bound to happen everywhere.

For example, I could imagine that there is special work in the police force, where you only have to have certain skills and a few weeks or months of special training are enough to then only use these workers for special subtasks - I could imagine e.g Target search imagine such a division.

In nursing, too, one could perhaps think about whether such a division of labor with fully trained nurses and simple assistants is more possible here. It may be necessary to train not just one type of assistant so that this division of labor is realistic, but perhaps three different types of assistants, which together with three different specializations for subtasks as a whole could relieve the nursing staff.

All of these activities could be made compulsory for a certain size of workplace and offered on a part-time basis. The training for this can then be organized depending on the learning-by-doing or in extra training that still has to be organized.

I would suggest the payment should be at least about 200 euros above the usual unemployment benefit.

In this way, several problems were solved at once or started to be partially solved - a shortage of skilled workers or workers and too many unemployed.



To organize for this method:

Interested unemployed fill out forms about their interests, skills and knowledge, this is checked by the employment agencies and, if necessary, corrected or supplemented.

The larger companies, e.g. from 50 employees, are obliged to create and send a job proposal with more precise content of the activities to be performed and which skills and knowledge are required for this to the employment agency.

By comparing computer data created on the basis of these two queries, proposals and mediations and contracts are designed.


Cost/benefit assessment:

The software for knowledge and skills is already in use (at least in Germany) and can be supplemented accordingly for this method. Since employers are obliged to offer and pay for such jobs, the cost/benefit assessment here lies primarily with the employer.


Overall, by saving work that skilled workers would otherwise have to do, something should also be done here in general to combat the shortage of skilled workers, and a positive balance can be assumed for society as a whole. Furthermore, the employment office saves a lot of money, which they would otherwise have to pay for unemployment benefits.


It can therefore be assumed that the balance sheet will be good in every respect. In contrast, the funds invested appear to be rather small and the risk too.

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